NDE Videos



A Catholic Priests NDE- Stefan Lampe

In German Rev Stefan Lampe, was a Catholic priest for 2 years in Germany talks about how he had a car accident. The NDE had lasting effects on his faith. He is Interviewed by Werner Huemer. Stefan says



Amy Baker brought back to life by Mother Mary

Amber Baker shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring after suffocating from an asthma attack while in her home in the middle of the night. Amber describes a loving energetic presence entering the room, revealing Mother Mary and Archangel Michael, who would give her the breath of life and show her the deeper truth



Attorney Nanci Danison Catholic NDE – Merging and Religion

Http://www.ndevideos.com presents Nanci Danison who worked as an attorney in a large firm of Lawyers, who was raised staunch Catholic and who died and went to the afterlife. Nanci received and retained a wealth of information that is in reality known to all of us but is blotted out while we are here on our



Catholic goes to Hell because she is Catholic-Kathy McDaniel

M.K. (Kathy) McDaniel had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) after contracting the flu. She found herself wandering around Hell and ascribes it to the false beliefs she held as a Catholic. Kathy McDaniel describes how an illness brought her to the brink of death. While in a coma, she had a very demented distressing NDE which



Catholic Priest goes on a Transcendent Journey -Fr. Cedric Pisegna

In 1977 Fr. Cedric Pisegna had two near-death experiences. Not only did he come back to tell us what will happen to each of us when we cross into the afterlife, but he also had a life-transforming throne room encounter where he was bathed in God’s radiant glory. The things he saw in Heaven led



Catholic Rev Jeff Couture NDE – spends time in Purgetory

This video is a compilation of the 5 episodes made by the Rev Jeffery Couture of the catholic Church. His former teenager life that lead him to a bad place when he died and had an NDE.He explains a lot of detail that Catholic and others might find very interesting.



Fallen-Away Catholic Meets Jesus – David

David grew up in an Italian Catholic family. He made all of his sacraments, and yet he began to rebel as a teenager. Ultimately he stopped attending Mass and would wander spiritually for several decades. A few years ago, he had an unexplained feeling that he should go to Mass. It was the first Sunday



Heart Attack During Catholic Mass -Bobby Kloska

A heart attack during Mass nearly ended Bobby Kloska’s life. Listen to the gripping account of what he saw during his near death experience. Follow Bobby via his blog at https://sideofthehouse.blog and make sure to checkout his story about the Notre Dame Grotto!


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