NDE Videos



Died of dog attack – Anita Bhatia

Ms. Anita Bhatia was attacked and seriously injured by a hunting dog when she was about 6 years old. In this interview she talks about the near-death experience she had during this accident. (English spoken by Gretchen Baumann, Palm Beach) Ms. Anita Bhatia was attacked and seriously injured by a hunting dog when she was […]



Dr. Rajiv Parti’s NDE

Dr Parti got cancer and had an artificial sphincter put in but it became septic. In hospital he found himself floating above his body.



Durga Yadav – Hindu NDE

http://www.ndevideos.com (click here) This Hindu man died and went to the afterlife for a brief period. There he met with Lord Yamaraj, the receiver of the Dead where thay discovered that he was the wrong person to be brought to the afterlife. he gets sent back with some unusual body marks that remained on his



Hindu girl has NDE -Gowramma

www.ndevideos.com presents: Gowramma is a girl from South India who died from some unknown cause. She tells of her brief encounter with the afterlife.



Hindu Man Faces Gate to Heaven & Hell -Santosh (Sandy) Acharjee

AMAZING MUST SEE VIDEO! Santosh (Sandy) was raised as a practicing Hindu in India. His father was a high ranking priest in their religion. Then he emigrated to the Western world and became successful. A sudden trauma killed Sandy, and in the next moment he found himself before a strange God at the gates of



Mufti Shamsuddoha Hindu NDE

http://www.ndevideos.com (click here) presents Mufti Shamsuddoha a Hindu born man who was in fact an Agnostic at the time he died. His story runs along the lines of some Western NDE’s – there are no Hindu dieties in his account as is the case with many other more devout Hindus.



VASUDEV PANDEY- Hindu NDE testimony

http://www.ndevideos.com (click here) Subjects of Indian near-death experiences frequently report being taken to the after-death realm by functionaries who then discover that a mistake has been made and send the person back, whereupon he or she revives. In contrast, American subjects, if they say anything at all about why they revived, mention meeting deceased family


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