NDE Videos



Gay man dies and expects Hell but… LBGTQ

This man who does not give his name or reveal his face gives a surprisingly heartfelt testimony of being gay and having an NDE. As a devout Christian he fully expected to go straight to Hell but instead finds himself with his partner who had previously died of Cancer and that guys mother who absolutely […]



Hοmοsexuality & near death experience-Angela

Have you ever wondered “Am I gay?”. You have come to the right place. Angela had those same thoughts. However, she was able to seek God and have Him help her through her struggle. The topic of homosexuality amongst Christians can almost seem hateful. However, Angela finally understood that God loves the sinner, but hates



Truth About Multiple Lives & Karma-Peter Anthony

NDE afterlife experience is from Peter Anthony. He died on the operating table in the hospital and found himself comfortably observing his body while he was in spirit form. He then proceeded to go on a journey on the other side full of downloads, being reunited with family and friends, an astonishing life-review, an many


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